Meeting Round-Up. Thanks to all who attended our special meeting at Lena’s Wood-fired Pizza (and to Jason Yates and his team for sponsoring). In addition to an opportunity to socialize, we had two speakers from the City – Helen Lee, Environmental Program Manager, on recycling issues (see for an updated list on acceptable items) and Thomas Hamed, Transportation Manangement Plan Coordinator, on the upcoming Metro closure. Speaking of which…
Metro Closure. It’s now less than a month away – the Kiss-and-Ride lot already has closed to allow for the relocation of bus stops. Also note that the closure is now expected to run for an additional week in to September. Many details have only recently been announced, such as changes to the HOV rules in Old Town. The official WMATA information page for the project is
Spring Cleanup. In most of Rosemont, the spring pick-up day for large/odd items will be Saturday, May 11; north of Braddock Road, it will be Saturday, May 4. See Also, starting May 1, trash/recycling collection swill shift to summer hours, and start as early as 6am.
Fourth of July. Our annual Independence Day event at Maury Elementary School is tentatively on the calendar, but we will need volunteers; we expect to have more details soon.
Keeping Informed. We try to provide regular updates on local news, Rosemont history, and general happenings in the neighborhood and Alexandria via our Facebook page (, cross-posted to Twitter ( and our web page ( Please consider following one or another (as well as the independent Rosemont email list,, and the community forums at
Membership. Please renew! (See
Jol Silversmith
President, RCA
RCA Updates | June 2020
, RCA Updates, 0
Face Masks. To help stop the spread of COVID-19 Alexandria Boy Scout Troop 135 is producing and distributing t-shirt masks...
RCA Updates | March 2022
, RCA Updates, 0
Next RCA Meeting. The RCA will hold an in-person meeting on Tuesday, May 3 at the Commonwealth Baptist Church...
RCA Updates | October 2020
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King-Callahan-Russell Intersection. The City has posted revised plans for the reconfiguration of the intersection of King Street, Callahan Drive, and...
RCA Updates | December 2021
, RCA Updates, 0
Meeting Report. Thanks to all who attended our December 9 meeting – the first in-person gathering since February 2020. We...
RCA Updates | July 2022
, RCA Updates, 0
July 4th. Thanks to all who attended our first Independence Day celebration since the start of the pandemic; the...
RCA Updates | November 2017
, RCA Updates, 0
As always, please share these updates with neighbors who may not be receiving the information (and let us know...
RCA Updates | February 2019
, RCA Updates, 0
Real Estate Assessments. Earlier this month, the City released its real estate assessments for 2019. This is a separate process...
RCA Updates | February 2017
, RCA Updates, 0
As always, please share these updates with neighbors who may not be receiving the information (and let us know...