Food Truck Event. We’ve scheduled our first food truck event for Friday, December 4, at 4-7pm. The truck will be Pakos...
Fourth of July. We would like to resume holding our traditional holiday event, now that the Maury School’s playground renovation...
King-Callahan-Russell Intersection. The City has posted revised plans for the reconfiguration of the intersection of King Street, Callahan Drive, and...
July Fourth. Thanks to all who attended and sponsored our annual Fourth of July celebration at Brooks Elementary. The Zebra has...
Meeting Wrap-Up. Thanks to all who attended our September meeting. * Margaret Wohler, Chair of the Alexandria Film Festival, gave...
High School Options: The School Board is considering options for expanding the City’s high school capacity, given that a high...
Braddock Road Metro. The bus loop and kiss & ride lot will re-open on Sunday, November, 3, although certain buses...
As always, please share these updates with neighbors who may not be receiving the information (and let us know...
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